Betekenis van:
system error

system error
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • fout in een (computer)systeem
  • an instruction that is either not recognized by an operating system or is in violation of the procedural rules



  1. Space exploration of the Solar System for the first few centuries was full of trial and error.
  2. Monitoring processes shall be designed to analyse data and detect underlying trends, both in terms of human error and system error.
  3. In the case of a pressure controlled system the remaining error in the control loop must not exceed ± 3 Pa.
  4. In the case of a pressure controlled system the remaining error in the control loop must not exceed ± 3 Pa.
  5. If the digital tachograph system has not been tampered with, an error message will appear (no motion sensor).
  6. Any single error in operation or the occurrence of any single fault in the system shall not result in accidental opening of the coupling during normal road use.
  7. Each NCB shall comply with, and ensure that its respective national RTGS system complies with the error handling procedures adopted by the Governing Council of the ECB.
  8. First part of the plea: error of assessment of the Spanish tax system vitiating the finding that the disputed measures do not confer any advantage on agricultural cooperatives
  9. Any delayed, ambiguous or uncertain system response may be misinterpreted or taken as an error by the system or by the driver, and may lead to the driver making a second input.
  10. Any delayed, ambiguous or uncertain system response may be misinterpreted, may be taken as an error by the system or by the driver, and may lead to the driver making a second input.
  11. In the case of a pressure controlled system the remaining error in the control loop must not exceed ± 3 Pa. The pressure oscillations in the dilution tunnel must not exceed ± 250 Pa on average.
  12. This field allows detection of any error when capturing the first four fields of the GRN. Field 5 is only used when the GRN is related to an individual guarantee by means of vouchers registered in the computerised transit system.
  13. Each NCB shall comply with, and ensure that its respective national RTGS system complies with the error handling procedures adopted by the Governing Council of the ECB. The ECB shall ensure the same for the ECB payment mechanism.
  14. Second part of the plea: error of assessment that the disputed measures are in keeping with the nature and scheme of the Spanish tax system vitiating the finding of an absence of selectivity in relation to these measures
  15. Hybrid Inertial Navigation Systems embedded with Global Navigation Satellite System(s) (GNSS) or with "Data-Based Referenced Navigation" ("DBRN") System(s) for attitude, guidance or control, subsequent to normal alignment, having an INS navigation position accuracy, after loss of GNSS or "DBRN" for a period of up to four minutes, of less (better) than 10 metres 'Circular Error Probable' (CEP);